So I’ve written a few books, but I’ve never self published a ‘3 books in 1’ type of collection/set deal. But now that I’m building a box set, I’m learning a whole new bunch of tricks and finding things I really should have fixed a few years ago..
Amazon KDP
Kindle 2022 review – library in my pocket
To me it looks like an adult mini etch-a-sketch without the dials. But a couple of days in with the Kindle 2022 base model and I’m now realising why people are starting to rave about these things..
Uploading a KDP cover to the Amazon Paperback builder
The first time I tried to upload a KDP cover for one my books, it took 3 days to get it right. Yeah, three whole days before things finally worked and I stopped hurling abuse at my computer screen in frustration. The second, about three hours. I believe now I’ve finally worked out the steps to make the Amazon KDP Cover Uploader so much of a less frustrating exercise (especially when working with Photoshop)…