(This post is not sponsored by Supercoach Fanfooty – because they know what they’re doing and I’m the opposite)
Look I’ve checked this week. And I mean actually checked with my glasses on, making sure every player is present and accounted for and hasn’t suddenly found a new role painting the battered signs around the oval while a match is on.
Luckily I did, because one of my team came down the black plague during the week..
Okay, I may be exaggerating just a bit

Because Hurn has been listed as injured and because I haven’t delved into things to find out how, it could be anything from a FRI (footy related injury) to him coming a crocker finally taking down Christmas decorations after all this time. All I know is that had I not checked, that would have left a decent gap scoring wise on the back line and I just can’t go yet another week where one player M.I.A has cost me dearly.
And so while Hurn heads bench side, Battle takes his place for the upcoming…uh…battle.
The good news is, everyone else is uninjured and not ridden with black plague, black lung or been bashed over the head with a black pudding. They’re in the hunt for some big points because god knows we need it.
(And wouldn’t you know it? At the time of writing Jones on the back line has limped away with just 17 points. Not the brilliant blast out of the blocks start I was hoping for here..)

What may actually work in my favour here (and those moments are rare beasts for sure) is that I’m taking on Andrew’s ‘Collective Mind’ and he fell foul of the ‘West Coast Eagle player who hasn’t been selected trap’ that I narrowly missed. I subbed out Hurn but he missed the news on McGovern (which is odd because he works in news) meaning he’s now a player short.
This could bring me either a desperately needed victory or humiliating defeat if I get beaten by him, doing it a player less.
We shall let the footy gods decide then won’t we? Standby..
Round update (still not sponsored by Supercoach fanfooty)
Well…shit. After this cluster, I’m feeling exactly like this. Things are so bleak that I don’t think the combined Supercoach fanfooty forces would be able to dig me out of this mess.

Because once again, a player suddenly falls over leaving me one short (and here I was thinking I had the upper hand with one more than my opponent!) Once again a few players shine but so many more fall far short of their expected mark. And even worse, I had the worst score of anyone this week. That’s a triple kick to the fun bits right there for sure!

Bryne-Jones was listed. I checked, here was there. But then when I looked at the results list, he was strangely absent obviously being whisked away by aliens last minute and nullifying my slight advantage. I can’t even find out what happened so did the team selection list get things wrong? This is two weeks in a row he hasn’t played so maybe it’s time to give him up for someone who doesn’t play Houdini?
The other Jones in Feed The Machine didn’t fare much better, coughing up his lowest effort all year with a paltry 17 points.

Luckily Penders is always reliable (when he’s not out with an eye injury) right? RIGHT? Yeah, no. Something happened and his usual post 100 score dropped dramatically down to 50. Yes not all games can be up country mongrel punting score fests and not all players can pull out every single stop to maximise the final score. But more often than not recently, a lot of FTM seems to put in a performance well below what’s been predicted. Which means:
-I should stop looking at predictors
-I should check at places far more switched on than these useless predictors, like Supercoach fanfooty.
-But more importantly I should get rid of under-performing team members because god am I tired of this.. Maybe cut the team in half and start again for the ultimate freshen up. I mean it’s not like things could get any worse. Could they?
Could they?

Watch this space..
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