Can we please bring back the stock exchange bar concept?

stock exchange bar

After ponying up $25 for a beer and a hard solo for my far better half over the weekend, I’m reminded about why I don’t go out and drink anymore.

Maybe if every pub and venue incorporated the stock exchange bar system that used to be in Melbourne back in the day, I’d be far more inclined to venture out and sample the night life a little more. Because in 2024 there’s so much more I prefer to buy for $25 than a schooner of German Ale and an alcoholic lemon thing..

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Feed the Machine Round 03 – Supercoach AFL shuffle mode


This week in One Man Many Plan Supercoach AFL fantasy football it’s a case of Gawn is gone (well benched for a while), Oscar gets the call up and Captain reliable now gets to wear the actual captains hat.

Please no one suddenly fall over before anything kicks off, please? I don’t know if I’m ready for any more injured player disappointment..

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