2023 – the year of the low tax return


What a year it’s been already here in Australia hey? Price of everything through the roof (including things with roofs on them), cost of living skyrocketing and high interest rates causing no end of grief for homeowners and renters alike.

Luckily the tax return this year will save the day! Actually no, no it won’t. Everything is up in 2023 aside from your low tax return. What a wonderful sachet of salt to the already stinging wound!

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Okay Dan, where’s my cheap train tickets?

cheap train tickets

Cheap train tickets? Gah, I really should learn to read the fine print more than I currently do. Or at least delve a little deeper into election promises that I thought were going to benefit me big time. Because I caught a whiff, a possibility of cheap train tickets in the latest state election and now I’m wondering why the prices haven’t dropped accordingly – turned out there was a bit more to it than first read…

Edit: It looks like I got my wish – cheap train tickets update now at the end of the article!

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