Ozito grass trimmer kit – red ones go bzzzz!

Ozito grass trimmer

My history with Ozito branded line trimmers/Ozito whipper snippers is best described as brief and awful and not necessarily in that order. But that was a few years ago now, so in 2023 and with this Ozito grass trimmer, would something less than $100 looking like it was designed by Nerf change my tune? Let’s find out!

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Troubleshooting a RC Land Defender with camera

RC Land Defender

My son Jackson bought a RC Land Defender car complete with 720p camera yesterday from Harvey Norman. And while the car worked straight out of the box, the camera didn’t until we realised two things 1) The instructions are horribly vague and 2) The app that comes with it is rubbish. Luckily after some trial and error, it’s not that hard to get things working again.

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A Samsung Gear S3 Frontier called Jurgen

Samsung S3 Gear

I’ll be honest ‘Rock a smartwatch’ wasn’t high on the list of this years word domination plans. Actually come to think of it, it wasn’t on the list at all. But the boss has bought the latest version and now I’m road testing his old one, my possibly new wrist bound virtual assistant ‘Jurgen’ aka The Samsung Gear S3 Frontier..

It’s early hours in according to the watch face but it’s really starting to grow on me..

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